Are your current dentures older than 5-7 years? Or are your dentures causing discomfort? Due to the ageing process, weight gain or loss and bone resorption your dentures may feel loose & cause ulcers.

The bone that supports your dentures is constantly remodeled by the body once the teeth have been lost. As a result, the contour of the mouth that the denture is designed to suction to can change dramatically over a number of years, and this is why you need to have a new denture made every five to seven years.

If you are considering investing in a new set of dentures, we encourage you to come to Dentures Plus where you will be treated by the same prosthetist at every appointment, Chris will use the information that he obtains from these appointments to construct and design your new dentures himself, specifically how you requested.

At Dentures Plus, all of our patients get to try in their new dentures in wax before they are processed into hard acrylic. Not only does it give you peace of mind, it also allows you a great opportunity to make any adjustments to the position, colour or shape of the teeth to ensure that you get exactly what you want.